Keywords = Learning disabilities
Prevalence of learning disabilities among primary school students in north khorasan province

Volume 5, Issue 1, December 2015, Pages 101-124

F Moinalghorabaie; M Islam; M Fadaee

A comparison of different perception errors in children with and without learning disabilities

Volume 3, Issue 2, April 2014, Pages 109-124


A Noureh Darwishali; B Ahadi; A Abolghasemi; R Bagerian

A comparison of ADHD and oppositional behavioral and conduct disorders in elementary students with learning disabilities and normal students

Volume 3, Issue 1, August 2013, Pages 129-147


N Yousefi; Gh Naimi; A Ghaedniyajahromi; H Mohammadi; Sh Farmani Shahreza