Investigating effectiveness of instruction based on multiple intelligence model on the self-concept and academic achievement of male students with dyslexia

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Candidate. Of Educational Psychology. Islamic Azad University of Isfahan (Khorasgan), Isfahan.

2 Corresponding Author : Professor of Psychology, University of Isfahan

3 Associate Professor of Philosophy. Islamic Azad University of Isfahan, Isfahan

4 Associate Professor of Statistics, University of Isfahan.

5 Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Isfahan.


The purpose of this research is to study the effectiveness of instruction based on multiple intelligence model on the self-concept and academic achievement of male Students with dyslexia. Research method was quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest and a control group. The population of this research inc;uded all dyslexic male students in the fourth grade and fifth grade schools at Qazvin city in Academic year 2013-2014.  Forty students (20 in the experimental group and 20 in control group) were selected through a simple random sampling method. For Data collection, the Tennessee's Self-Concept Scale was used. Also academic achievement of students' mean scores was obtained. After the random selection and the control and experimental groups pre-test, training on the experimental group during 12 60-minute sessions was conducted for 2 sessions per week (a total of 6 weeks).  To analyze the data, ANOVA was used. Analyzing thr two groups in terms of mean increases in self-concept and academic achievement through the methods used in the post-test and follow-up showed an increase in self-concept and academic achievement in the group based on multiple intelligences model after the intervention was provided (P<0.001). Based on results of this study, using a model based on multiple intelligences can enhance self-concept and academic achievement of students with dyslexia.


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