The following points are required to set the paper:
• Develop a new scientific methodological research report based on new methodological considerations.
• The abstract of the article should be up to 150 words in one paragraph in Persian and English (Persian abstract in the beginning of the paper and Latin abstract at the end of the paper).
• Key words (3 to 6 words) at the end of Persian and English abstract.
• The paper contains an introduction (statement of the problem, theoretical foundations and research background, goals, questions or research hypotheses), method (population, sample size and sampling method, research instrument, research methodology, and data analysis), results (tables, graphs and results from descriptive and inferential statistics having maximum 5 tables), discussion and conclusion (discussion on the results of the research and comparison with the previous results and the explanation of the findings, expressing limitations and further research suggestions) and references.
• References that are used should be set in alphabetical order by last name in accordance with the APA guide at the end of the paper as follows:
1. While preserving the references used by the Persian language, at the end of the paper, these references are also translated into English and arranged in alphabetical order of the author's name alphabet in Latin references. At the end of Persian sources translated into English, the phrase (Persian) is written (in other words, in addition to the Latin references and Persian references, translated Persian references also come at the end of the paper).
2. To set the paper format, look at the sample of the articles published by the Quarterly in recent issues and format it accordingly.
Book (author): Surname, author name or authors (year of publication). Title. Print time, place of publication, publisher name.
3. Book (translated): Surname, author name and authors (year of publication in Latin). Title. Translator's name and surname (year of publication), print time, place of publication, publisher's name.
4. Article: Surname, author name and authors (year of publication). Title. Name of the journal, volume, issue, page.
5. Research report or thesis: Surname, author's name or authors (year of publication). Title (master's dissertation or doctor's thesis or research report). Name of organization or university.
6. Seminar or conference: Surname, author's name or authors (year of publication). Title. Name of seminar or conference, venue, page.
7. In the text of the paper, where applicable, the author's last name and year of publication are written in parentheses, and in the case of Latin terms and Latin names, the external equivalent of this is indicated in the footnote.
• The Quarterly is free to edit, modify, and synchronize the scientific term or the essential changes to the paper.
• The Quarterly is free to accept or reject the received papers.
• The responsibility of each paper will be undertaken by the author(s).
• The submitted article should not be printed in any publication.
• The submission of a written commitment on the part of the corresponding author on the basis of not submitting a paper to other journals is necessary.
• The title of the paper and the author's (authors’) name in Persian and English along with the scientific rank, the workplace, full address, telephone, and e-mail address should be written on a distinct page from the original text.
• A paper written in Microsoft Word (2003) with a font of 13 and a maximum of 10 pages (20 lines) with a margin of 2.5 and a line spacing of 2.1.
• Submit a file from the paper (a file listing the specification and a file without specifying the file together with a profile file of the authors) by registering in
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