Keyword Index


  • Academic help seeking The Effectiveness of resiliency training on stress Management, Affects, and academic help seeking in students with learning disabilities [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 33-47]
  • Academic motivation The Effectiveness of Role-Playing Training on Academic Self-efficacy, Social Adjustment and Academic Motivation in Elementary School Students [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 15-29]
  • Academic self-concept Comparison of the Effect of Neuro Linguistic Programming Strategies Training and Mindfulness Instruction on Academic Self-Concept among Female Students with Learning Disabilities [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 91-103]
  • Alexithymia Development of structural equations of social adjustment of students with Specific Learning Disorder based on alexithymia and metacognition beliefs and mediated by perceived social support [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 62-77]
  • Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder Comparison of Learning Styles in Students with Learning Disorder, Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder and Normal [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 45-61]
  • Attention Game Training The Effectiveness of Attention Games on Reading Ability of Dyslexic Children [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 90-102]
  • Auditory Tasks The effectiveness of Auditory Tasks Homework Training on Auditory Attention in Children with Attention-deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder Comorbidity with Special learning disorder [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 77-90]


  • Benton Visual-Spatial Perception Test Comparison of Performance on Normal the Benton Visual-Spatial Perception Test in Students with Special and Regular Learning Disabilities [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 80-90]


  • Cognitive impairment The effectiveness of rhythmic kinesthetic games on spatial perception, working memory, and cognitive impairment of students with learning disabilities [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 78-90]
  • Cognitive-metacognitive strategies Relationship between Educational Intermediaries with Cognitive -Metacognitive Strategies with Motivational Beliefs in Children with Learning Disabilities [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 20-32]


  • Educational intermediaries Relationship between Educational Intermediaries with Cognitive -Metacognitive Strategies with Motivational Beliefs in Children with Learning Disabilities [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 20-32]
  • Emotional Cognitive-Behavioral Skills Comparison of the effectiveness of emotion-oriented cognitive-behavioral skills training and test techniques on students' Educational Buoyancy in students with special learning disabilities [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 91-108]
  • Emotional Expression Comparison of emotional expression, cognitive avoidance and social skills in students with and without specific learning difficulties [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 62-75]
  • Exam Techniques Comparison of the effectiveness of emotion-oriented cognitive-behavioral skills training and test techniques on students' Educational Buoyancy in students with special learning disabilities [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 91-108]
  • Executive Function The Effect of Teaching Phono-graphix Method on the Level of Executive Function and Reading Performance of Students with Reading Difficulties [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 1-14]


  • Gratitude training with Islamic approach Effectiveness of Gratitude training with Islamic approach on Self Forgiveness and Patience of Mothers of Children with Learning Disabilities [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 47-61]


  • Islamic coping skills The Effectiveness of Group Training Coping Strategies Based on Islamic Teachings on Happiness and Life Satisfaction of Parents of Children with Learning Disabilities [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 21-34]


  • Key words: child abuse Comparison of child abuse rate and the quality of the mother's relationship of mothers with children those have learning disabilities and with children those haven't learning disabilities [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 104-117]
  • Keywords: social competence comparison of social competence with bullying – victim behavior in students with and without learning disability [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 91-103]


  • Learning disturbances Comparison of Performance on Normal the Benton Visual-Spatial Perception Test in Students with Special and Regular Learning Disabilities [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 80-90]
  • Learning Problems Psychometric Properties of the Quality of Life Scale for Children and Adolescents with Special Learning Disabilities [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 6-19]


  • Metacognitive beliefs Development of structural equations of social adjustment of students with Specific Learning Disorder based on alexithymia and metacognition beliefs and mediated by perceived social support [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 62-77]
  • Mindfulness with music .Effectiveness of mindfulness training (with music) on working memory and cognitive flexibility in children with learning disabilities [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 6-20]
  • Multisensory Learning Strategies Comparison of the effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation and multisensory learning strategies on reading performance of bilingual students with dyslexia [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 76-89]


  • Neuro linguistic programming Comparison of the Effect of Neuro Linguistic Programming Strategies Training and Mindfulness Instruction on Academic Self-Concept among Female Students with Learning Disabilities [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 91-103]


  • Patience Effectiveness of Gratitude training with Islamic approach on Self Forgiveness and Patience of Mothers of Children with Learning Disabilities [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 47-61]
  • Personal intelligence Comparison of personal intelligence and negative emotionality among students with and without special learning Disorder [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 35-45]
  • Phono-Graphix The Effect of Teaching Phono-graphix Method on the Level of Executive Function and Reading Performance of Students with Reading Difficulties [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 1-14]


  • Reading performance The Effect of Teaching Phono-graphix Method on the Level of Executive Function and Reading Performance of Students with Reading Difficulties [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 1-14]
  • Reliability Psychometric Properties of the Quality of Life Scale for Children and Adolescents with Special Learning Disabilities [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 6-19]
  • Resilience The Effectiveness of Group Training Coping Strategies Based on Islamic Teachings on Happiness and Life Satisfaction of Parents of Children with Learning Disabilities [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 21-34]


  • Self-compassion Academic Well-Being and Self- Compassion in Students with and without Specific Learning Disability [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 64-79]
  • Self-compassion training The effectiveness of self-compassion training on social skills, social self-efficacy and social adjustment of students with learning disabilities [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 30-44]
  • Self-esteem Investigating the effect of problem-solving training on students' self-concept, self-esteem and self-regulation with learning disabilities [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 6-19]
  • Self-Imagination Investigating the effect of problem-solving training on students' self-concept, self-esteem and self-regulation with learning disabilities [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 6-19]
  • Self-regulation Investigating the effect of problem-solving training on students' self-concept, self-esteem and self-regulation with learning disabilities [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 6-19]
  • Social Adaptation Development of structural equations of social adjustment of students with Specific Learning Disorder based on alexithymia and metacognition beliefs and mediated by perceived social support [Volume 11, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 62-77]
  • Students Comparison of Performance on Normal the Benton Visual-Spatial Perception Test in Students with Special and Regular Learning Disabilities [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 80-90]
  • Students with learning disabilities The effectiveness of self-compassion training on social skills, social self-efficacy and social adjustment of students with learning disabilities [Volume 11, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 30-44]
  • Students with Special Learning Disabilities Comparison of the effectiveness of emotion-oriented cognitive-behavioral skills training and test techniques on students' Educational Buoyancy in students with special learning disabilities [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 91-108]


  • Validity Psychometric Properties of the Quality of Life Scale for Children and Adolescents with Special Learning Disabilities [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 6-19]